Every membership in Nevada Bighorns Unlimited helps to re-establish, augment and maintain Nevada’s Wildlife. A Lifetime Member can feel confident that his or her donation and participation in N.B.U. creates the greatest impact possible on Nevada’s wildlife and habitat. Membership we can count on to perpetuate the organization makes the difference. In appreciation for a Lifetime Membership, we offer the following benefits to members participating at the lifetime levels below



An Individual member will receive a 1-year subscription to the NBU journal, a hat and NBU sticker.


A Corporate member will receive a 1-year subscription to the NBU journal, hats and NBU stickers in addition to a corporate listing on the NBU website.


A Corporate member will receive a 1-year subscription to the NBU journal, hats, and NBU stickers in addition to an outfitter listing on the NBU website.


Click here to renew your current Nevada Bighorns Unlimited membership.



A Bronze Ram member receives a lifetime subscription to the N.B.U. newsletter, a Bronze Ram life member pin, a life member hat and the N.B.U. decal.

SILVER RAM: $1,500

A Silver Ram member receives a lifetime subscription to the N.B.U. newsletter, a Silver Ram life member pin, an embroidered jacket, a life member hat, and the N.B.U. decal.

GOLDEN RAM: $2,500

A Gold Ram member receives a lifetime subscription to the N.B.U. newsletter, a Gold Ram N.B.U. Nevada Slam jacket, a Life Member hat, a personalized wall plaque, the N.B.U. decal and one complimentary ticket each year to the annual banquet and auction.


Bronze Ram Lifetime Members may up-grade their membership to Silver Ram and Gold Ram levels by one time donation or by annual donation installments of $500. A portion of your membership is tax deductible, please consult your accountant. You can also join by sending your NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM and a check or money order to Nevada Bighorns Unlimited-Reno, P.O. Box 21393, Reno, Nevada 89515-1393

Join Nevada Bighorns Unlimited

When you join Nevada Bighorns Unlimited you become a member of one of the premier volunteer wildlife organizations in the world, committed to working for the future of Nevada’s wildlife. A portion of the membership is tax deductible. Consult your accountant. To join NBU or to upgrade your membership, please choose your desired level of membership by clicking on the selections below

Join NBU

$ 0.00


After the almost total extinction of bighorn sheep in the state (once our most numerous big game animal), NBU has been instrumental in the reintroduction of all three species of bighorn into more than 60 mountain ranges throughout Nevada.

After the almost total extinction of bighorn sheep in the state (once our most numerous big game animal), NBU has been instrumental in the reintroduction of all three species of bighorn into more than 50 mountain ranges throughout Nevada. This effort has been the most ambitious, successful, and proactive big game reintroduction program in the world! If you share our passion for wildlife and the outdoors, join our all-volunteer, non-profit, wildlife conservation organization, and see instant results from wildlife programs that work. Nevada Bighorns Unlimited was founded upon the admirable goal of “Putting Sheep on the Mountain”, and we have been tremendously successful! We soon recognized, however, that our initial goal was just one component in protecting and enhancing our wildlife resources. Without good habitat, for example, wildlife populations dwindle. So, we began funding range fire reseeding projects, water developments in arid areas, pinion/juniper chaining, and control burning. Many people do not recognize the potentially serious interconnection between wildlife and domestic animals. When wild sheep come into contact with domestic sheep, catastrophic die-offs of bighorns can occur. Even many sportsmen do not recognize that falling population levels of sage grouse could result in “listing” the species as “threatened” thereby greatly altering, not just a hunting season, but seasonal access and land use itself. For these reasons NBU has funded and actively participated in a wide variety of sheep health studies, and sage grouse research. The best planning, policies, and regulations by our wildlife managers and federal land management agencies are vital to wildlife interests. NBU has members involved in committees and boards at local, state, and federal levels setting critical policies impacting sage grouse, elk, wild horse management, bighorn sheep, predators, wilderness designation and management for wildlife, and habitat improvement. NBU Directors as individuals, working for the interests of its membership, heavily influence state and national legislation. Nevada’s Division of Wildlife is user funded and, with increasing budget constraints, has more to do with less funding. To enable our programs to go forward, NBU has funded badly needed equipment such as: a Bell Jet Ranger Helicopter for Game Surveys, Transport Trucks for Big Game Transplants, Transport Trailer for Big Game Transplants, Guzzler Construction Truck, Tracking Collars and Miscellaneous Equipment. It takes an educated public, informed sportsmen, properly trained biologists and most of all a younger generation that values wildlife to support and perpetuate these efforts. We have responded by publishing an informational newsletter for our membership, funding youth events and publications, offering college scholarships, and training teachers. As an NBU member, sportsmen can make a difference!

Over 3,500 members


Nevada Bighorns Unlimited (NBU) is a non-profit grassroots sportsmen’s conservation organization with over 3,500 members.
